On the Jewish Problem Report by the SD dep. II 112 of January 1937 Source: Federal Archive of Germany FRG, R 58, no.1242 The Jews all over the world are a nation that is not bound to any country or people but to money alone. Therefore, they are and will always be an eternal enemy of National Socialism. All reservations, proposals for compromise, and attempts to come to an arrangement are to be rejected outright as unacceptable, because of the conviction that the Jew is one of the most dangerous enemies and that one will never be able to understand his true intention. The guiding line in the following analysis is the cleansing of Germany from Jews. This can only be accomplished if the foundations of Jewish life in Germany are eliminated, i.e. they are to be prevented from carrying out economic activities. The promotion of emigration to areas from which the Jews will be unable to harm the Reich is an essential necessity, at least insofar as the young generation is concerned. In response to the argument that concentrated Jewish emigration will strengthen World Jewry by enabling them to fortify themselves, one must insist that the problem has to be solved first and foremost for the sake of Germany. This solution can only be accomplished by emigration to areas of underdeveloped culture to prevent the Jews from a renewed accumulation of capital. The Jews there will be neutralised for at least several decades and will have to make ends meet with hard labour. We must recognise the fact that the measures taken so far to promote Jewish emigration from Germany “out of Jewish ideological reasons” (Zionism) and emigration accomplished by pushing the Jews out from different domains of public life - except the economy - have been insufficient, or have now proven to be insufficient. On the other hand, recent months have brought about a slowing down in the rate of emigration that can be explained by: * “The great reconciliation regarding the Jewish problem” (as expressed by many Jews who are asked about it). * The resulting total freedom for Jews to be active in the German economy and to make profits. * The difficulties in emigration to Palestine and other countries because of stricter emigration policies. * Significant loss of capital upon leaving Germany (the “flight tax”, the barred mark accounts, the ha'avarah tax when going to Palestine). This decrease in emigration - the only existing means “to free Germany of Jews” - can be overcome only if: 1. Jews are totally expropriated economically. 2. Legal and political pressures are enhanced. 3. Technical emigration options are extended. 1. Jewish expropriation : In the past, and in the last four years, Jewry has found a wide range of profitable economic activities in Germany. Our task is to identify these areas and to adopt counter-measures. Concealed enterprises Concealing the Jewish ownership of enterprises, a practice employed mostly by very profitable Jewish firms that anticipated the events already at the seizure of power. This practice peaked in 1933… A broad, comprehensive action with the co-operation of all financial authorities, courts, chambers of commerce etc. will create clarity. Such an action will succeed if a law is passed mandating harsh punishment...for any form of hidden partnership of Jews in Aryan enterprises. It is in such camouflaged enterprises that the Jew gains a secure income that prevents him from emigrating.... Registration of Jews in the economy All means must be used to attempt to see to it that all economic organisations register all their Jews in special lists. This will create a constant means of control for the moment expropriation.... 2. Increasing political pressures If economic pressure makes the idea of emigration for economic reasons penetrate the Jews' heads, political pressure will promote this movement even more. Having observed the first stages of dealing with the Jews over the past four years, we have gained a far-sighted view of the most effective steps to be undertaken to accomplish the goal.... Propaganda: Assaults in the style of Der Stuermer are accepted only rarely, since the enlightened population regards this form of struggle as primitive and lacking in taste. One must therefore adopt a more intellectual and matter of fact form of propaganda... One has to consider more use of statistics to influence the people. The people must recognise the fact that the Jew will never be a part of the nation. He creates friction and war internationally and is therefore the enemy of Germany wherever he is. Growing hostility to the Jews has to be prompted among the people to create the foundations for ongoing assaults and efficient expulsion. It also seems desirable that the party apparatus with the heads of the local branches and cells will personally convince the local population. Terror: The most effective means of taking away the Jew's sense of security is the people's wrath, expressed in violent outbursts. Although this method is illegal, its impact is lasting, as the Kurfuerstendamm outbursts have shown. Even Jews from Palestine no longer dare visit Germany. Psychologically it is evident that as the Jews have learned the lessons from centuries of pogroms, nothing will frighten them more than an atmosphere of hostility that can at any minute spontaneously turn against them.... Intelligence service at the side of the Foreign Ministry: It is desirable that an internal marking of passports be established so that the authorities will be able to recognise immediately if the holder of the passport is a Jew. (It ought to be emphasised that this should be internal, to prevent foreign legations from refusing visas for these passports)... Jewish welfare organisations: The Hilfsverein (the Jewish welfare organisation), for instance, has helped many emigrants and facilitated the emigration of a growing number of Jews with the help of its sister organisations abroad. Nevertheless, a central supervision authority has to be established...to examine the contributions and to control its activity in the strictest manner... 3. Promoting emigration: In the following chapters, we will examine the measures designed to further exclude the Jews and to promote the genuine goal of enhanced and secure emigration. As urgent as the emigration of Jews from the Reich is, one should not ignore the aspiration for the ultimate goal. We must see to it that the emigration is concentrated, directed only to a number of countries, so as to avoid the creation of hostile bodies in many countries constantly inciting against Germany. Our efforts to promote emigration are to be founded on three main guidelines: Countries that are technically realistic candidates for mass emigration. Countries willing to take in large numbers of Jews without fear of being used only as transit stations in emigration to other destinations. The technical aspect of the emigration process from a technical point of view. To point b . If we assume that a dispersion of Jewish emigration is undesirable both for purely political and for economic political (incitement and boycott) reasons, the planning of emigration necessitates considerations which are first and foremost of a technical nature. This list will show that emigration is possible only to a few countries. Several more have to be eliminated from this list for political reasons. Thus only the following areas are possible: In South America: Equador, Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil (only in a limited manner - since we have extensive economic interests there and can allow emigration there only as a last resort, i.e. when all other possibilities are exploited). In Asia: Palestine: ...Europe has to be taken off the list for inevitable political reasons... It is undesirable to have only wealthy people emigrate [to Palestine], while the poorer ones remain in the Reich and will need welfare and become a burden. One has to forbid anti-Jewish influence on popular Arab circles in Palestine by members of thoverseas NSDAP (Nazi Party) organisation (as has been the practice in recent years). Arab agitation against the Jewish immigrants hurts the Reich because unrest in Palestine causes to emigration. This was particularly the case in 1936. To point c. In addition to the exclusion of Jews from economic life and to terrorising them, technical measures are to be recommended. The most efficient measure is the introduction of licenses. The ability to cancel a license, or to refuse to renew it, will facilitate increasing and decreasing emigration according to our needs. Furthermore, legislation regarding Jewish licenses would clarify once and for all what our policy is all about. The establishment of an authority for the control of emigration is a necessity. Far-reaching centralisation has to be introduced in this matter. It seems desirable to take away the Jews' passports in order to limit their freedom of movement, so that they won't abuse it in order to spread their agitation abroad as they have done in the past. However, in spite of this, we have to recommend issuing passports in cases when a genuine wish to emigrate has been proven... The need for control and for direct contact with the authorities makes the establishment of a central office inevitable. The tasks of the new office to be established are: to make all the internal technical preparations for emigration and to carefully examine the areas and destinations to which Jewish emigration is to be directed; to negotiate economic and man-power issues with the diplomatic legations of the destination countries; to find new ways of transferring capital for wealthy Jews - while maintaining limits to the capital to be exported - a matter that has been neglected so far because emigration has been dealt with by Jewish organisations; and in the first place, to bring about a general solution to the question in the spirit of National Socialism. An important distinction to be made is that in spite of the reduction in the Jewish population of Germany by 20% (with regard to Jews by race and by religion), Jewish capital and economic influence in Germany have shrunk by only 2%. If we accept the fact that in spite of all the measures undertaken, the capital - that is Jewish power - could only be reduced by 2%, we have to conclude that Jewish influence - and capital, at least in the economic sense, always means influence - has remained unchanged despite the relative decrease in the population. It is the decrease in the number of Jews that creates an illusion that Jewish influence has diminished proportionally. It is clearly not the case. At the same time, one can observe that the Jew has not yet reconciled himself to the fact that Germany is closed and will be closed forever…